Wednesday, April 3, 2013

ENRICHING IN NICARAGUA - an update for you!


Ephesians 4:12 
".....equipping and activating for the purpose of service..."

LAMb Team member Pastor Glen Pitts has been working in Nicaragua for over a year with different persons.  He conducted a comprehensive discipling program with village pastors - and helped get them mobilized to make a difference in their own villages.

While working with the pastors, he led several short-term mission teams to Nicaragua and on these teams, persons became "activated" (Ephesians 4:12) to make a difference with those in need in this wonderful land of Nicaragua.

Three little projects emerged:

1.  Project 1- Enriching the Mind:  ABC Wise Guys - written by Pastor Glen and translated and published with the help of others - Ed Sanchez and his team from El Salvador as well as others.  These great books are a scripture memorization tool for little children.  Below you will see some pictures from the Nueva Vida School from Pastor Adan.  Way to go Pastor Glen!

2.  Project 2 - Enriching the Body:  Enrich for Children led by Angela (from the short term teams) is working to ensure little children receive needed vitamins and medicines to keep them healthy.  These enrichments are given out by team leaders, to ensure they are taken properly and systematically.  Check the picture below of one of the team distributions - remember this school alone is giving enrichment to over 400 children!  Way to go Angela!

3.  Project 3 - Enriching the Soul:  New Image Project is helping women who need and want desperately to come away from the life of prostitution.  This project is led by Jenna (another short term team member) and has been a critical support to an already developed program in Nicaragua.  This center is a sanctuary for these dear woman - a place to find peace and support to move forward in a life where they find healing and a future.

 Pastor Adan writes the following:

"I inform you that all the 400 children already recieved the medice and vitamins for this last month march. They are using and enjoying the ABC's Books; they are memorizing verse of the Bible and they are so happy. They say that the presentation of the book is beautiful."




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