OH WHAT A PARTY....300 SAMSAS, 300 ICE CREAM CONES, 300 BOTTLES OF PEACHAIDE. Every man gets his own. Seven organizations in partnership showing up on the same day to celebrate the renovations of the dining room!
Crosslinks - Kyle and Christy
Military Band (missed their picture)
Prison Ministry coordinator and team - Nazira
Prison Mnistry musician
Iskra Men's Home - new director Juemadill
Teen Challenge - Jenish and his traveling musicians
LAMb International - Jodi, Gabriella, Madlin, Zukrah, Larissa, Tanya, Lynn and Ruby
It was an amazing time watching the men have a great time and the honour bestowed on them. To have Jenish to bring graduates from his rehabilitation centre to entertain, and to have the prison ministry group celebrate the men and their special day.
JUST AWESOME - and we have more plans - fix the basketball court - continue renovations of the dining room. Just continue - step by step.
AND ON ANOTHER NOTE - we started the renovations at the Bishkek Humanities University today - getting closer to having a fully functioning learning lab. Things are on a roll in Kyrgyzstan! Thanks to YOU!
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