Monday, April 4, 2011


TODAY WAS AN AWESOME DAY. Many things happened today and I will do a quick summary of them here:
1. Blog was down all day - and finally after some MAJOR discussion with the internet provider, theY agreed it was their problem and not ours. At the same time John's blog, Jayne's blog all worked.
2. We did a quick visit to Kemin Seniors so our team could get acquainted and prepare for their big day with the seniors tomorrow. We took apples and bananas and our dear little Anya asked me when I was coming to cook for them. She was delighted to hear that we would be there the following day.
3. Left Kemin and went to Iskra to see our dear friends there. We arrived just at lunch time and were able to personally give each of them apples. We took out six cases of apples and told them we would be there on Saturday night to share music, a video and some ice cream and samsa with them. They were delighted too.
4. Back to Tokmok and put together the music for the evening's praise and worship time we planned for the evening for all visitors and workers who we work with from other organizations. We took five cakes, lots of sodas, coffee, and tea and headed to John and Christa's for a wonderful evening of music and sharing. It was delightful. One person shared the most incredible story - he arrived in Kyrgyzstan not even knowing what he and his wife were there for - just wanted to check it out. It is now two years later and they are working with a group of young people in a boarding school - a project of Mercy Foundation. Making a difference - and demonstrating the power of "showing up and stopping for the one in front of you."
5. Great music by Pastor Ken - and of course we were blessed to hear the mission song he wrote. It touched the hearts of many.

1. Kemin - cooking for the seniors - with games, hand massages and lots of music.
2. Coaching meeting with a young woman who helps here husband work with over 100 youth in the Mercy Foundation gymnasium project each Sunday = as they conduct a local gathering event for local teens.
3. Meeting with local women to plan for the woman's conference we are having on Saturday at Dayspring.
4. Hopeful meeting with persons who will be speaking at the Grand Opening of Dayspring Family Life Resource Center on April 12, 2011.
5. Evening - Leadership Training at a near by local gathering place.


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