Sunday, April 24, 2011


Another day, another week, month, year. Yes another Easter. I took the attached picture a while ago, but it reminds me that wherever we are, wherever we go, whatever we do, that "old wooden cross" remains the only bridge where we can safely cross. If you check out the Wright's blog (see the link on the right side down the page) you see plenty of examples of "the cup of cold water". If you visit the Schooler's blog (also listed) you see more examples of 'feeding the hungry'.
Following the stories and realizing the commitment the entire LAMb team steps up to each day, might make one wonder, 'why?'. Why do they do what they do? The days are usually very long and the problems faced can seem impossible to "fix". Yet, they continue. Not just continue, but each day renewed with energy they tackle the challenges one by one. Check them out. Are they grumpy? Are they angry? Are they discouraged? No! There seems always to be a smile and a joy in their hearts. Why? Where does that come from?
Check it out, it's in the picture. The reason for joy, the reason for hope. Once again, at this time of year we are reminded.
For those of you in the States, Canada or elsewhere, that know the Wrights and/or the Schoolers, now might be just the time to send them an e-mail of encouragement. It will only take you a few moments, but with that note you will be sharing with them your part of the burden. A quote I once heard says:" hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder". Together we are making a difference.

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