LtoR: Jon Beurgeron, Hope for Orphans, Texas; Lynn Johnston and David Schooler, LAMb International
Panel for Strengthening Families Conference - Kiev, Ukraine
LtoR: Jayne Schooler, LAMb International; Paul Pennington, Hope for Orphans, Texas; Ruslan Maluta, Alliance Ukraine Without Orphans.
Jayne's Speech - Children From Hard Places - with demonstration activity.
CONFERENCE IS COMING TO A CLOSE - Tomorrow Steve Weber, President of CBN and Roman Korninko, President from Father's House will do the closing ceremonies. The conference was a success with 200 participants - representing 97 families and 377 children.
Jayne and David; Lynn and Ruby were all workshop presenters helping families with issues regarding some tough parenting issues. This conference is the second conference to be co-sponsored by LAMb International with CBN and others. The conference idea was "birthed" several years ago in the offices of CBN in discussions we were having there - thinking how we all might better serve Christian families who have adopted. We had no idea then how successful such an event might be. But this year - the conference was completely full over two months in advance of the deadline for registrations ending. And we had many we were not able to accommodate for the conference - indicating the need for a larger location if we decide to conduct another conference in two years.
For Lynn, Ruby and David, it is on to Kyrgyzstan on Monday and for Jayne it is back to Ohio to complete a move to their new home. We will miss Jayne not traveling with us to Kyrgyzstan. However, we will soon be joined by our other team members the Wrights - we arrive in Bishkek on Tuesday and the Wrights arrive on Wednesday.
The team will be very busy - and will soon be joined by our first Short Term Mission group - our board members from Ohio - Randy and Kim Gebele. Then later in the month - Ruby will travel to Russia for two different activities - a conference Russia Without Orphans and some activities with the National Foundation for the Prevention to Cruelty to Children. Following will be a team from our home church in Barrie - three amazing Short Term Mission member who will help us carry out serving orphans, widows, elderly, and the disabled.
We will end our months away this time by returning to Ukraine to work with our friends in Kherson - working with Christian families who have adopted from the southern regions of Ukraine. We will also be sharing with NGO workers in the Kiev area - at an area conference on Christian Leadership.
Our time is precious here and in Kyrgyzstan. We have always claimed the motto, "just show up and stop for the one in front of you." We look forward to who God places in front of us these months - as we know each step we take is being directed and guided by the prayers we and you send forth.
We thank you for your support and remind you to KEEP DREAMING - AND BELIEVING AS WE DO:
We each need to capture the VISION!