Tuesday, February 14, 2012



A seed of a thought raced through our minds when we were informed that the man that built Dayspring has almost completed a second home. Since LAMb had purchased Dayspring from him, he contacted us to see if we might want to purchase this house.

Dayspring is a Family Resource Center that is designed to provide family for up to ten girls that would have ended up in an orphanage. Dayspring is not yet at capacity, athough another child was received there yesterday.  More on her in a later post.

This post is about the potential for a second home.  It would be called Jeremiah House and would be used as a transition house for children aging out of the orphanages.  Many children age out of the orphanages after grade 9 or about age 15. Often the only alternative is technical school or the streets.

The harsh reality is that only one third of these children will be 'successful'.  The rest struggle with drugs, alcohol, prostitution.  Many end up being trafficked or in prison.

We have written a model program for Jeremiah House and we know, right now, of a number of children that are in need of this home....a need that "digs" into our hearts.

Potential, possibilities: YES.  But then there are the realities we need to deal with.  The house has a price tag of $47,000 and from past experience with Dayspring we know it would take another 12 to 15 thousand to complete for family use.

The Lord instructs us to "watch and wait".   We have been watching and waiting.  Is now the time?
If this potential project touches your heart and you have a desire to be involved in making Jeremiah House, in Kyrgyzstan, a reality, please contact us at lambinternational@gmail.com

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