There is such a story leading up to this three days of training these exceptional leaders..however I will tell only part of the story now.
The Institute for Human Services in Ohio is a leader in the field of child welfare. They have poured years and years into researching, writing and developing best practice strategies, materials and training tools for the field. One such project brought about a standardized training course called Adoption Assessor. It is legally required of ALL adoption assessors in the state of Ohio - to be certified in this training course BEFORE they can work with families wanting to adopt. In addition, the course has been adopted in different US states and provinces in Canada as well. It is an awesome course, preparing assessors to work with children and families; both birth and adoptive.
We have completed several rounds of this material in Ukraine and now - for the first time have been able to sit with the SENIOR leadership and review the highlights of this course. They were in awe - and their comments were to prove such awe.
"I have never had training like this before."
"How do we get this to our specialists?"
"You have challenged me so much in my thinking!"
Once again - BELIEVING THAT TRAINING IS A CATALYST TO CHANGE. Thank you Institute for Human Services for believing with us!
This is so wonderful and a real validation of your years of personal sacrifice and perseverance. We stand in awe of how God is using you both,
I LOVE IT! God is soooo good! To see His work take hold is so amazing. To see all of your hard work and labor to take hold is inspiring. Now for the next chapter . . . Can't wait!
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