Saturday, May 15, 2010
VIDEO TO THANK YOU The many contrasts of Kyrgyzstan are the focus of this video. We just wanted to capture some of the work we have been doing - to share with you all that your prayer and financial support is helping us with. We may not be in the country right now, but the work continues! This wonderful song was written and performed by our friend and Pastor Ken Day of Dayspring Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Thanks Ken.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Kyrgyzstan is once again in conflict. Please follow the story through BBC News or google the following: kyrgyzstan news.
Please pray for Kyrgyzstan. Our team mates are still there - Pastor David and Jayne are scheduled to return next week.
Thanks for caring about this country.
Kyrgyzstan is once again in conflict. Please follow the story through BBC News or google the following: kyrgyzstan news.
Please pray for Kyrgyzstan. Our team mates are still there - Pastor David and Jayne are scheduled to return next week.
Thanks for caring about this country.
Monday, May 10, 2010
We're in the States doing some "tent-making". A huge chunk of our hearts remain in Kyrgyzstan where people and events have dominated our lives for the past few months. Our partners, Pastor David and Jayne, have only another two weeks before they will be returning home. That leaves our Natasha to manage the projects until we return.
Right now our days start early, usually around 4 am and end early, usually around 8 pm. All this is the result of the jet lag that results from living for several months ten hours out of sync with EST. Things should settle back in a few more days.
We found a great t-shirt factory not far from our apartment in Tokmok. We had a few t-shirts, bags and ball caps made. Some of these are destined for our donors, but we have a few more that are available in exchange for a donation to LAMb. If you are interested please contact us by e-mail at
We are looking at some significant life style changes as we strive to release ourselves from obligations that reduce our ability to serve on the front lines. We appreciate your prayers and support.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
We are pleased to have completed the very first Life Skills training for teachers in Kyrgyzstan. Represented in the training were five Christian Schools, four orphanages and two NGO's. Our team member, Pastor David Schooler is working to implement some new courses into the Mercy Foundation schools to meet the new requirements for the religious laws which was implemented recently in Kyrgyzstan. This law allows only certain courses to be offered that will teach youth character building and life skills. This Life Skill class is a response to this changes.
Although we are back in North America - our team members Pastor David and Jayne are still in Kyrgyzstan carrying on the work of LAMb. Be sure and keep up with their blog as they work to bring HOPE AND DIGNITY to the families and children we serve. The blog address is:
Check out this article about the LAMb project in Kyrgyzstan for the implementation of the Life Skills:
Friday, May 7, 2010
His name is Zamir and we just hired him! He will be our Art Director at the home for disabled men. He will coordinate the different artists, teach new artists and produce an array of paintings for us to purchase and sell back in Canada and the United States. All profits will help the men get needed/wanted items, like a new pair of tennis shoes, perhaps a sheet for their bed. No money will exchange hands - only LAMb Bucks. These LAMb bucks will be managed by our gal - Natasha and she will help them get the items they need in exchange for their LAMb Bucks.
And they are already at work! Zamir called Natasha and asked for clarification - what kind of paintings? Well Zamir - Kyrgyz art of course! We are excited to see the work of the men.
SO WHAT IS NEXT? Eldar wants to study. We have checked with Light of Asia and their classrooms and dorms are on the same level (Eldar is in a wheel chair) and he could study there! Cost? About $400 PER YEAR!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
With our final training of the Tier One for Mercy Foundation completed, we have one more afternoon meeting before packing and heading for the airport.
Yesterday was a very successful day as we visited a number of the projects. We picked up assorted foods - fruits, potatoes, rice, and candies and delivered lots to the Adult House of Invalids, the seniors home and Jessica's family. A few of the pictures tell the stories.
It's one of those sad/happy times. We have established many friendships amid the ministry work here. It is difficult to leave when there is still so much to be done. David and Jayne will continue until close to the end of May when the on-ground tasks will be left to Natasha.
It is our hope to come back here in September for a short period of time to schedule some of the projects and trainings. Further we hope for an extended stay early in 2011 to continue to strengthen and expand the work. Meanwhile, in June, we have a trip planned for Ukraine to continue the training projects there.
Thanks again for your continued support. Please remember, even when we are not physically present in this beautiful country, the work continues. Your prayers and support are vital.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Since returning from Ukraine we have been working with Mercy Foundation on a training project. We are almost complete and will be giving certificates out to leaders on Thursday. Each leader will have attended six sessions with us - all focused at strengthening Mercy Foundation. Transfer of Learning will be the telling point - and this we will see and hear about later into the year.
We will be heading out tomorrow to let some of our projects know we are leaving and will be gone for a time. First stop - Iskra - the home for disabled men. We will take them fruit, some beautiful oil cloth for their dining room tables - which are in terrible shape. We will also be taking a very large amount of art supplies for their NEW COTTAGE INDUSTRY PROGRAM. The new art director will be in awe. Thank you Dr. Jordon for this wonderful gift for these men.
Next stop will be Kemin Senior Home. We will be taking them new chairs for their craft room (thanks Craig and Dorothy) and checking on the ceremony for Dushenbeck to be sure all has gone well (thanks Judy). We will take fruit there too. Maybe rice and potatoes as well. We will visit, cry and say, Shalom for a time. We will also be taking some great things as requested by Alexy, Lona and Anatolie. They wanted more materials to fix shoes, art supplies, batteries, shaving materials, and tap shoes. We have everything(thanks M/M and Ian/Arlene) except the size 37 tap shoes (anyone have an old pair?) for Anatolie.
Then back to the Baby Hospital to see our baby girl - Melana Grace and once again tell the Doctor we want to meet her needs (thanks Lorrie) and to arrange for the purchase of the vaporizer which we could not find yesterday in Bishkek.
Then over to the baby orphanage to offer our sympathy to all for the loss of our dear little one who did not survive the surgery we sponsored. We will tell them about the wonderful gift for orphanage support for them (thanks Debbie and Jerry) - to ensure we get babies to the hospital on time - to have the much needed surgeries. And we will be talking about the transition of Melana Grace and how we might help here get adopted right away.
And our last stop before dinner will be to visit Jessica's Family and deliver food and clothing (thanks Keith and Joyce) to them.
And after that we will return to have a wonderful dinner with our dear friends Tanya, Dabu and family.
By bed time, we will be full of tears and sorrow to know we are leaving this land of many contrasts. Yet we have so much work to do and as we return to do the "tent making" that supports our airfare to return once again in a few months - we will be planning the work we must do to write the reports/articles on alternatives to orphanages the project we have going with a government leader here. We will be planning the new Day Spring Family Life Resource Center project and getting ready to set it up for the children...knowing it will be a program that is the best of the best and will serve children in a Godly way. We will continue to get training materials translated, write more modules for Mercy Foundation and Father's House in Ukraine. And wait...and pray. We desire to be in this part of the world on a full time basis - so we will wait and plan. For the Word says clearly we are to make our plans and He will direct our steps. He knows our needs, our wants and our hearts.
Thanks to all of you - who have cared enough to pray, call, send emails, send funds and just be our friend. We love you all and could not do this without you.
The LAMb Team
Since returning from Ukraine we have been working with Mercy Foundation on a training project. We are almost complete and will be giving certificates out to leaders on Thursday. Each leader will have attended six sessions with us - all focused at strengthening Mercy Foundation. Transfer of Learning will be the telling point - and this we will see and hear about later into the year.
We will be heading out tomorrow to let some of our projects know we are leaving and will be gone for a time. First stop - Iskra - the home for disabled men. We will take them fruit, some beautiful oil cloth for their dining room tables - which are in terrible shape. We will also be taking a very large amount of art supplies for their NEW COTTAGE INDUSTRY PROGRAM. The new art director will be in awe. Thank you Dr. Jordon for this wonderful gift for these men.
Next stop will be Kemin Senior Home. We will be taking them new chairs for their craft room (thanks Craig and Dorothy) and checking on the ceremony for Dushenbeck to be sure all has gone well (thanks Judy). We will take fruit there too. Maybe rice and potatoes as well. We will visit, cry and say, Shalom for a time. We will also be taking some great things as requested by Alexy, Lona and Anatolie. They wanted more materials to fix shoes, art supplies, batteries, shaving materials, and tap shoes. We have everything(thanks M/M and Ian/Arlene) except the size 37 tap shoes (anyone have an old pair?) for Anatolie.
Then back to the Baby Hospital to see our baby girl - Melana Grace and once again tell the Doctor we want to meet her needs (thanks Lorrie) and to arrange for the purchase of the vaporizer which we could not find yesterday in Bishkek.
Then over to the baby orphanage to offer our sympathy to all for the loss of our dear little one who did not survive the surgery we sponsored. We will tell them about the wonderful gift for orphanage support for them (thanks Debbie and Jerry) - to ensure we get babies to the hospital on time - to have the much needed surgeries. And we will be talking about the transition of Melana Grace and how we might help here get adopted right away.
And our last stop before dinner will be to visit Jessica's Family and deliver food and clothing (thanks Keith and Joyce) to them.
And after that we will return to have a wonderful dinner with our dear friends Tanya, Dabu and family.
By bed time, we will be full of tears and sorrow to know we are leaving this land of many contrasts. Yet we have so much work to do and as we return to do the "tent making" that supports our airfare to return once again in a few months - we will be planning the work we must do to write the reports/articles on alternatives to orphanages the project we have going with a government leader here. We will be planning the new Day Spring Family Life Resource Center project and getting ready to set it up for the children...knowing it will be a program that is the best of the best and will serve children in a Godly way. We will continue to get training materials translated, write more modules for Mercy Foundation and Father's House in Ukraine. And wait...and pray. We desire to be in this part of the world on a full time basis - so we will wait and plan. For the Word says clearly we are to make our plans and He will direct our steps. He knows our needs, our wants and our hearts.
Thanks to all of you - who have cared enough to pray, call, send emails, send funds and just be our friend. We love you all and could not do this without you.
The LAMb Team
Monday, May 3, 2010
We have many happy memories here - and some very sad ones. For this video - it is just a collection of images that brings our heart to the surface full of emotions. Enjoy and know we thank you beyond words for your prayers and support. The LAMb Team
It seems like a lifetime since we arrived here in February. As I looked through the thousands, yes thousands, of pictures we have taken since our arrival, I am at a loss for words that could describe at least some of the impact of the 'love from Canada', as well as the United States. We have partners here, David and Jayne Schooler who will remain for another few weeks. Emma, from the Wright team, remains for a few weeks carrying on projects started when John, Julie and Becka were here the last time or maybe it was the time before. Some folks just keep coming back! Praise God. Dr. Jordan was here teaching early in March and we had a wonderful team here from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
The attached pictures are only a very small glimpse of some of the activities, some are completed but most are on going. Although our time is near to leave, we are actively making plans for the ministry work to continue while we are away. At the same time we are scheduling events and trainings for the next trips.
As Friday continues to rush toward us, we are striving to make effective use of every minute. You support has been wonderful. There still are some major decisions to make before we leave, one in particular concerning the creation of a family type home - a first here in Tokmok. We have collected almost all the data needed to make an informed decision and at the moment we are waiting on the Lord to open that door.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
We have so much to do and so little time left. Today, we will meet with our partners John, Christa and team members Jayne, David and Natasha to make our plans for two different projects - University Campus Programming - creating something like a Christian Campus Program for the new International University of Central Asia. This is a Mercy Foundation Project and our team mates Jayne and David are teaching there.
The second piece of work for today will be to review our data on the new project - the family recourse home. We have not communicated this project to you in detail yet - as we are still in the praying and data gathering stage. Yet we are close. Just imagine this - a pilot project of excellence as an alternative to orphanages. A family who will raise children and work with us to find adoptive homes - even for older children! We have found the property for sale and have a program design. We have cost out the operating costs, cost out the furnishings of the home and are just waiting to get the costs for the renovations needed. It is a lovely home that would be a great place for children to grow. We have a name for the project, but will keep it a secret until we are ready to fully announce the project plan.
How can you help? Just pray for wisdom and guidance. We have a couple whom we have asked to be our parents for these children. A wonderful couple and we have staff in mind who would be part of the project and a list of persons who would make up a Multi-Disciplinary Team to help with meeting the needs of the children. Miraculously we have names for these positions.
The home has a chicken house, great garden, lots of room for a playground, grape arbors, rose bushes, a pig house, a nice summer kitchen (too hot to cook inside in the summer), super place to study and "hangout" inside. Lots of bedrooms, play space and all in all JUST A FINE HOME FOR CHILDREN!Please pray for these projects - we have some important decisions to make before Friday - when we return to Canada.
Our pictures will give you a focus for your prayers.
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